Unless otherwise stated, responses are derived from the Covenants and Restrictions.

Architectural Review Committee

The Architectural Review Committee is responsible for enforcing the restrictions set forth in the Restrictive and Protective Covenants for the Settler’s Trace Subdivision.  The following Architectural and Use Restrictions shall apply to every lot within the subdivision.  This list outlines some of the top-level items in the Restrictive and Protective Covenants document.  Go here to review the entire Restrictive and Protective Covenants.

Approval of Plans and Architectural Control

  • No construction, reconstruction, remodeling, alteration, or addition to any structure, building, fence, wall, road, drive, swimming pool, landscaping, or improvement of any nature shall be constructed or modified without obtaining the prior written approval of the Committee as to location, plans, specifications, and exterior building materials. As a prerequisite to consideration for approval, and before beginning the contemplated work, a complete set of the plat, the building plans and specifications, elevation drawings for all four sides, the “footprint” location of the house on the lot, and the landscaping plans and specifications must be submitted to the Committee. The Architectural Committee must also approve the builder before construction begins. Upon approval, construction shall be started and prosecuted to completion promptly and in strict conformity with the plans. The Committee shall be entitled to stop any construction violating these restrictions. If the Committee fails within forty-five ( 45) days to approve or disapprove the plans and specifications, approval shall not be required. The Committee shall have the right to charge a reasonable fee for receiving and reviewing each application, not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00).
  • The Committee may, at its discretion, demand a performance bond in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) on terms and conditions acceptable to the Committee, which may be required before construction can commence on any lot. The bond will ensure that all the conditions and requirements involving construction and landscaping shall be fully met and that there have been no unsatisfied damages to private or public property in the construction process.

Please remember to Call 811 before you start digging.

Before starting any project that requires digging, this is a friendly reminder to call 811 for free before you dig. Calling a few days before digging will help avoid hitting utility lines. 811 will send someone out to mark utility lines for you, which will help protect you from injury and expense.

Calling 811 is FREE. When you call 811, the utility lines on your property will be marked, preventing you from damaging them when you dig. Projects that warrant a call to 811 include the installation of the following:

  • Septic tanks and sewer lines
  • Swimming pools
  • Personal wells
  • Sprinkler systems and water lines
  • Basketball goal posts or mailbox posts
  • Fence and deck posts
  • Trees and shrubs

Please note that any lines you have previously installed in your yard, such as natural gas lines for grills, decorative lighting, or water or sewer laterals, must be located by a private locating service in addition to the free 811 service.

The national “Call Before You Dig” number is 811, but you can also contact Tenn811 directly at 615-367-1110 or access their website at https://www.tenn811.com for additional information or create a ticket.

Neighborhood Restrictions

Residential Use Only

  • All lots shall be used for residential purposes only
  • The residential structure on any lot shall be designed, constructed, and modified for no more than one (1) family, and only one (1) home is to be erected or constructed on any lot. Duplex residences, garage or basement apartments, or group homes are prohibited.
  • No old or second-hand building shall be moved onto any lot or combination of lots.

Building Setbacks

  • No building or structure or any part thereof shall be located on any lot nearer to the front line, rear line, or any sideline than the minimum setback lines shown on the recorded plat. In no event shall any building be located on any lot nearer than fifty (50) feet to the front lot property line or nearer than forty ( 40) feet to any side street property line (in the case of a comer lot). No structure shall be located nearer than ten(10) feet to any interior or side lot line, nor closer than 25 feet to any rear lot line.

House and Detached Construction

  • The ground floor living area of the main structure upon any lot, exclusive of open porches, porticos, garages, breezeways, and bonus rooms shall be not less than 1950 square feet for a one-story dwelling. No dwelling of multiple stories or floor levels shall have an overall floor area, exclusive of open porches, porticos, garages, or breezeways of less than 2400 square feet, shall not be permitted to have a ground floor area of less than 1200 square feet.
  • No building shall be erected on any lot other than detached single-family dwellings, not to exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height and approved detached appurtenant structures. Foundation blocks must be veneer with either brick or stone. Any detached garages, outbuildings, or other additions must be constructed of the same type of exterior material as the principal dwelling and be of an architecturally compatible design with the main residence unless the Committee gives prior written approval.
  • Swimming pools shall not be nearer than ten (10) feet to any lot line and must be located to the rear of the main dwelling. All swimming pools shall be fenced for safety purposes and must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee, which may withhold approval for any
    reason, including, but not limited to, size, location, or aesthetics. All above-ground pools must have a privacy fence six ( 6) feet in height.
  • Driveways must be at least ten (10) feet wide. The Owner of each individual lot shall be responsible for cutting the curb alongside the road where the driveway is to be constructed and for any damage to the curb. Driveways must be constructed of concrete and completed within ninety (90) days from the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said house. The Committee must approve sidewalks as to location and composition. Sidewalks may be either concrete, pea gravel in concrete, brick ( or “patio pavers”), or, at the discretion of The Committee, decoratively colored and stamped concrete ( e.g., concrete colored and stamped to resemble cobblestones).
  • All dwellings shall provide adequate garage space. Garages attached to the dwelling must provide space for at least two (2) automobiles.
  • All construction work must be completed with all due diligence. No incomplete structure shall be permitted to exist without active construction for more than ninety (90) days. Construction of any structure shall be completed within twelve (12) months from the date of
    approval by the Committee.

Temporary Residence or Building

  • No person shall live on any lot or combination of lots in temporary buildings, trailers, basements, garages, or outbuildings.


  • No fencings shall be erected or installed until the lot or lots adjacent to the lot being fenced have been developed and successfully drained. No fencing shall be placed across or in any established drainage ditches. Any fence must be no higher than six (6) feet and must be of a
    decorative type fence, approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Specifically, no chain link, barbed wire, chicken wire, woven wire, or similar fencing shall be allowed.

Lot Maintenance

  • All yards and landscaping shall be maintained in a neat well-maintained status at all times. The Committee shall have the right to determine whether or not a lot is being properly maintained. Lots shall not be required to be landscaped prior to completion of construction of the
    main dwelling, but such lot shall nevertheless be reasonably maintained as an empty lot and mowed so as not materially to detract from the remainder of the Subdivision.
  • No lots shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish.


  • The initial landscaping scheme must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee pursuant to Section VI(A)(l ). Additionally, all landscaping approved as part of the initial scheme shall be completed within one (1) year from the first occupancy of the home located on each lot.
  • No visual obstructions ( e.g., fences, evergreen trees, tall shrubs, etc.) shall be created or allowed to exist on a permanent basis above four feet in height in the area between the front setback line of each lot and the margin of the road in front of that lot. It is the intent of this
    paragraph to allow a clear generally unobstructed view across the front lawns of all homes. Any interpretation of what constitutes a “visual obstruction” or a “permanent basis” shall be determined by the Architectural Review Committee, and their decision shall be conclusive and final in all respects.

Motor Homes, Trailers, Boats, and Recreational Vehicles

  • No house trailer, boat, boat trailer, camper, tent, shed, motor home, or any other such vehicle, trailer, vessel, or temporary structure shall be permitted on any lot unless screened from view of adjoining lots, streets, and common areas, provided, however, temporary buildings shall be
    permitted during the construction period of houses.


  • Each mailbox and replacement shall be brick and uniform throughout the subdivision.

Yard Signs

  • No advertising sign of any kind shall be erected or displayed on any lot without the prior written consent of the Committee. Does not include “For Sale” Signs.

Satellite Dishes and Antennas

  • Unless expressly approved in writing by the Committee, no outside radio or television transmission tower or receiving antenna, including satellite dishes in excess of one meter in diameter shall be erected by an Owner within the Subdivision.

Garbage and Trash

  • Burning trash, leaves, clippings, or other debris or refuse shall not be permitted within Settler’s Trace Subdivision without a written permit from Tullahoma Fire Department.
  • Garbage containers shall be placed at the curb in front of the residence only on established garbage pickup days. Garbage containers shall be removed within a reasonable period of time after the garbage has been picked up.
  • No parking or storing of junk cars is allowed.

Propane Tanks

  • No exposed above-ground tanks.


  • No lot or portion of a lot or combination of lots shall be used for the raising of or keeping of poultry, rabbits, horses, cows, swine, sheep, goats, snakes, exotic animals, or other livestock; however, this covenant shall not prevent the keeping of normal household pets such as
    birds, dogs, or cats, provided that they are not bred or maintained for any commercial purposes.

Children’s Treehouses

  • If built, children’s treehouses must be properly constructed to present a neat, uncluttered appearance and must be to the rear of the main dwelling house and ten (10) feet from any rear or side lot line.


  • No outside clothesline or other clothes-hanging devices shall be permitted.

Noise and Nuisance

  • Each Owner shall refrain from any act or use of his lot that reasonably causes embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance, or nuisance to the neighborhood or any neighbors. No noxious, offensive, or illegal activity shall be carried on upon any lot. No noise may
    be created that would reasonably disturb the peace and quiet of the occupants of the surrounding property.